PDF Embedder Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for PDF Embedder

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The API version does not match the Worker version Error on update

This error comes up if there is a caching and/or minifying plugin on the site that has cached the previous version of the plugin scripts and now does not match with the updated plugin. To rectify this error, you need to clear the cache and allow the site to reload the scripts.

To prevent this error from occurring again in the future, you would need to exclude the following paths from your site’s cache and/or minifying plugin.

Free version paths:
/wp-content/plugins/pdf-embedder/js/pdfjs/pdf-4.6.4.min.js, and

Premium version paths:

Secure version paths:
/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium-secure/js/pdfjs/pdf-5.0.2.min.js, and

Once you have excluded these paths, flush the cache and do a hard reload the browser as well; the error should now be gone.

If you are not using a caching tool on your site but are still seeing the error, the scripts maybe caching in your browser and a hard reload is required.

Browser hard reload keystrokes:

  • Windows: Ctrl + F5
  • Mac/Apple: Apple + R or Cmd + R
  • Linux: F5

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