PDF Embedder Free

Free version of PDF Embedder

A free version of our PDF Embedder plugin is available in the WordPress plugin directory.

It offers an easy way to drag-and-drop a PDF file into your site, to be viewed in our simple and elegant PDF viewer by your visitors. The plugin does not rely on any third party services which could change or suffer outages without notice.

You can view the plugin on WordPress.org, or to install simply search for 'PDF Embedder' from Plugins / Add New in your WordPress admin panel.

The following features are NOT available in the free version:

  • 'Download PDF' button allows users to obtain the PDF to read in their own choice of viewer
  • Jump straight to page by typing page number
  • Fully functioning hyperlinks
  • Tracking number of downloads and views

The free version does not obscure or encrypt your PDF file links, so it will be easy for viewers to obtain the source PDF file to share outside your site. Please see our premium PDF Embedder Premium (Pro plan) for a solution that makes download and printing difficult.

The PDF Embedder Premium plugin also provide mobile-friendly browsing features. See the Premium plugin for more details.
